Greetings everyone, we hope every one is well and warm. The BLT will be hosting a meeting via ZOOM on Monday, December 5th, 2022 8pm EST This is an important meeting, so we ask that you be present to discuss some serious announcements, such as:
Review of Gardens- current conditions: Fallen trees, broken sidewalks, frozen water systems, sheds or gates damaged.
Update Garden Visit Tour
Ongoing status of developers projects (Workforce & Type A.)
Plans and ideas to grow
Garden memberships, BLT networking.
Grant opportunities
Website development
City summons
Update on signage project
Floor open for general discussion
ZOOM MEETING DETAILS B.L.T. V.P. Ramon Andino is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting Topic: Bronx Land Trust April Meeting Date/Time: December 5th, 2022 8:00pm (Eastern Standard Time) Joining Zoom Meeting: Join by computer / Zoom App by clicking here: or By phone dial 1-929-205-6099 Enter the Meeting ID: 826 0812 0894 Best wishes R.A. V.P. of B.L.T PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!